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  • Українською
09 February 2021 22:47

Our factory of agricultural machines is the leading specialized factory for the production of machines for cleaning, post processing, transporting and moving grain, and also applying fertilizers. We have been producing agricultural machinery since 1999 and we are professionals in this field. Since 2018, we have been successfully cooperating with a German company, introducing advanced scientific developments and ensuring the release of agricultural machinery of the highest quality. All manufactured equipment is certified for compliance with the requirements of existing European standards and is supplied to 21 countries around the world. The production is located in the city of Lubny in the Poltava region and in the village Kitaygorod, Dnipropetrovsk region. The total area of production areas is more than 37,000 square meters, and the territory exceeds 7 hectares. We confidently look to the future and are looking for new partners Around the world.

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