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Terrorists Hinder Investigation of Boeing-777 Crash in the Donetsk Region
31 July 2014 20:46

Ukraine is interested in conducting an open investigation of the catastrophe of the Malaysia Airlines passenger Boeing-777 shot down on July 17, 2014, in the Donetsk region.

At the instruction of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, an investigation group for determining the circumstances of the accident was established. Experts of the International Civil Aviation Organization, US National Transport Safety Board as well as representatives of other states and international organizations are expected to take active participation in it.

The government of Ukraine has provided necessary facilities and personnel to conduct investigation and forensic examination of the bodies, as well as all the possibilities for repatriation of bodies to the corresponding countries. However, at this stage, terrorist groups make all this impossible. Ukraine is sparing no effort to ensure that victims of flight MH17 are respected and rights of their families are protected.

The separatists, who control the area where the airliner had crashed, create obstacles for objective investigation into the crash causes. Russia-backed terrorists do everything possible to prevent Ukrainian authorities from launching an investigation and refuse to permit representatives of the international community and foreign governments to approach the crash area.

Terrorists are also trying to destroy the evidence of their crime. According to the Government of Ukraine, 38 bodies of the victims were taken from Torez to the morgue in Donetsk, “where experts with a strong Russian accent said that they would carry out an autopsy themselves”. Besides, terrorists are searching for large vehicles to transport the wreckage to the Russian territory.

The OSCE press service said that its observers did not receive full access to the crash area. One of terrorist leaders also confirmed it: “I have not received any instructions on providing them with free access. We gave them an opportunity to take pictures nearby only”. According to him, he even had to fire a warning shot when the experts came closer to the wreckage as “they were forbidden to approach”.

The Ukrainian side has not been given access to any of the “black boxes”, or flight recording equipment, from the plane. As Security Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on July 19, their location remains unclear.

Besides, Igor Strelkov (Girkin), terrorist leader in Eastern Ukraine, wrote on his social network page that his “fellows in arms” would not secure ceasefire in the area.

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